
Your job is protect the village under all circumstances. You specialize in manipulating the natural elements such as water, fire, earth. Normally there are turrets which defend your village from the nearby monsters which periodically come to attack your village. Recently, a new spell has made it so that the monsters take a specific element such as water, fire, earth. Your goal is to modify the elementless turrets so that they can successfully defend the village.


- Use [W, A, S, D] or [mouse] to move the camera.

- Press [Esc] to pause the game & [R] to restart the level.

- Hold down [Left Shift] to fast forward the game.

- Select turrets & click a node to build.


- Each level contains 5 waves. At the last wave, a boss will appear.   

  There are 4 types of enemies: normal, fire, earth, and water.
  [Fire counters Earth], [Earth counters Water], [Water counters Fire]

- Fire turret does 73% more damage to earth monsters and slows them.
- Water turret does 73% more damage to fire monsters and slows them.
- Earth turret does 73% more damage to water monsters and slows them.

- Every turret does 2x damage to the boss.


Alchemist Defender - 29 MB

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