20 years before, leakage of “collapse plasma”  under major countries’ top-secret weapon research resulted in a fatal impact on the world order and deadly results of civilians across the globe. Even now, the year of 2059, most regions are still domed by the collapse storm. Animals, mainly mammals including humans, are exposed to ELID disease caused by the collapse storm which destroys their rationality and shows aggression to anything around. To make it worse, the ELID would cause the infected animals’ skin to silicify, becoming impenetrable by regular firearms. In order to take the lost lands, people developed “tactical dolls” combat android. Klukay, our heroine was one of them, and she will be deployed into an unknown area in Schwarzwald, former Germany, for a dangerous mission.

In this game, you will act as tactical doll operator Klukay, and try to survice endless waves of enemies. Your only ally is the shotgun in your hand, with 4 specified ammos to counter different enemies. 

Contribution List:

Weiyang Eric Chen: animation, keyboard interactives, some map line-out

Zeyu Eric Chen: interactive sound, background music, some key feature realization

Shuai Oscar Fu: collision and interactive map object, generation of enemy, some key feature realization 

Mengyu Cedar Huang: enemy AI, some key feature realization

Jiaji Frank Li: interactive bullet, scoreboard and health UI, map design


Aki: Who performed extraodinary creativity and leadership in the game: HK416 Not Found, from which we borrowed some original assets(main character and enemy design)

MalibuDarby: Incorporated map tiles and map objects. Also the zombie enemy design(https://malibudarby.itch.io/)

Yaru: Sound effects (https://yaru.itch.io/retro-sound-effect-pack-1)

TextBox: https://assetstore.unity.com/publishers/47220


fin_buil_win2.zip 61 MB

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